well... its been a while... about a month to be exact. a whirlwind of a month has gone by since my last post, and so much has gone on that if i were to type it all out in a post, you would be snoozing by the end. so much has happened though, that i at least feel like a brief recap is needed... i mean i can't just skip over the whole two-weeks-spent-in-hawaii start to the summer!
hawaii was absolutely
amazing (that's for you, mom). it was definitely a trip i will remember forever, and one that i am lucky i got to take. we started in oahu, staying at disney's aulani resort. i am certainly the resort kind of girl... room service, pool side service, etc. etc.! it was a life i could get used to for sure. next we hopped over to the big island, and saw lava flow upon lava flow. the next and last island we jumped to was maui, which i really had fun on. from snorkeling at molokini crater, zip lining and plenty of delicious food (pineapple and kimo's hula pie... need i say more?), maui suited me as well. the trip as a whole was wonderful. i have the best mom and dad who were able to give me such an amazing trip and a brother who puts up with me despite my carsickness on the road to hana and my strange eating habits. if you ever have the chance to go to hawaii, go. it may be a long plane ride, but its worth it.

not 24 hours after we landed, i had us moving me and all my stuff (that's the only word i can use to describe it all) into my new apartment in franklin. we got the essentials there and since then it has been a work in progress. i can't begin to thank my parents (especially my dad) for all the help they have given me. dad was like a little elf who came in and set up ikea furniture and hung pictures while i was at work! the apartment is coming along for sure, and i am loving my new home in franklin.
so, in the past month, i have been to hawaii, moved into my apartment in franklin, gone to atlanta for the kenny chesney-eric church concert and ikea. its been a whirlwind of a month, but one i wouldn't trade for anything. this summer is looking to be a good one: the annual family fourth celebration is next weekend, i have already made myself a regular at the saturday farmer's market here and i have other plans in store.
i am hoping to be able to post more now that i have gotten into a routine with my work, workout and everything-else schedule. i promise to not leave you out on a limb!
for now though, i am happy to be sitting in my apartment, with a netflix movie on and a day full of shopping in nashville behind me. i can say that i am a happy girl.
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