
restaurant, book and movie review

well it was a fun night in the 865 last night... the weather service alert going off on my phone at 1:15 AM for a tornado warning was terrifying enough, not to mention the thunder, howling winds and lightning! usually storms don't bother me much but without my daddy to keep me safe, i did end up sitting in my bathroom for about 30 minutes and monitoring the storm on my computer - thank goodness for live streaming! thankfully, it ended up passing through without any damage! yesterday, i went on the ultimate girl date with kaitlin: target, movie, dinner and ice cream! it was really a good break from campus and the apartment though and got my mind off the exams that i am starting to study for today. i thought for my post today i would share with you my opinions on my recent reads, eats, and views!

  • divergent by veronica roth: i started the book after i saw the movie which i hate doing but it was so worth it! i didn't think i would like the movie, much less the book but i was unable to put it down! it may be more of a young adult book, but the fast-paced plot, action and budding romance had me hooked! 
  • insurgent by veronica roth: this is the second of the three books in the divergent series and just like the first one, i was hooked! the characters grow and mature in this sequel and the plot thickens in unexpected ways. the last part of the book was especially interesting and i have already downloaded the third book, allegiant, to my kindle! 
  • the other woman: hilarious. this was on my must-see list for the summer and i am so glad i saw it yesterday. my friend and i laughed the entire movie and though it was funny, it was not stupid-funny. it was a great girl-empowerment movie with a comedic side! not to mention the clothes were fantastic! i would definitely recommend this to anyone, boy or girl! 
  • cru bistro and wine bar: after the movie we were famished so we decided to try out cru! i had been to the one downtown for brunch but their dinner menu is completely different. they have a little bit of everything but not in the applebee's/TGI friday's way. cru's menu ranges from soups and salads to sushi and pizza, with an extensive wine list. the menu has a gourmet southern flair to it and something that everyone can eat. i ordered the tomato arugula salad which comes with sliced tomato, feta, cornbread croutons (OMG - must try to make!) and a peach-basil vinaigrette. i topped mine with some grilled chicken since it was my entree and it was delicious! i would certainly eat there again without hesitation! 
today is moving day part one! my mom and dad are the world's best because they are taking the time to drive up here and get a load of my stuff to move back home! i will move everything else when i come home after exams! they were also going to come see me as a diamond girl at the baseball game tonight but unfortunately the weather canceled the game. still, they are making the trip and taking me out to dinner so i can't thank them enough! my first exam is on thursday so the hard core studying begins as soon as i finish writing this! i hope everyone stayed safe last night with the weather and continues to be safe today as there is still a possibility for more storms! 


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