
tuesday target finds & a recipe

tomorrow i start my spring semester of my junior year. how weird is that?! really though, the time is flying by! i came back up to knoxville on sunday to beat the weather and not get stuck in murfreesboro so i have been spending the past two days getting back in the swing of things. trader joe's, publix and target have all been crossed off my to-do list and i think i am ready to start the semester! hopefully it won't be as bitterly cold tomorrow when i have to trek to class - these single digit temperatures getting to me! last night for dinner i was really craving spaghetti squash and italian so what better than to break out the crockpot on such a cold monday? this recipe is so easy and could be done in the morning before going off to work! it is healthy and can be made a variety of ways but the beauty of it is that everything cooks at the same time in one pot! i made a salad to round off the meal and it was delicious! 

crockpot spaghetti squash and meatballs

1 spaghetti squash, cut in half and seeds removed
4-5 meatballs per person (i used frozen, but you can use homemade if you want)
2 cans diced tomatoes 
3 cloves minced garlic
1/3 cup chopped onion
italian seasoning, black pepper, etc., to taste
  1. in a large crockpot, combine tomatoes, onion, garlic and spices. 
  2. place spaghetti squash cut side down in tomatoes.
  3. spread meatballs around spaghetti squash.
  4. cook on low for 4-5 hours, until meatballs are cooked through and spaghetti squash is tender. 
  5. remove spaghetti squash and shred with fork. 
  6. serve meatballs with tomato sauce over spaghetti squash, topped with cheese if desired.
*instead of meatballs and the canned tomatoes, you could easily use a meat sauce, homemade sauce with vegetables, or even a jarred pasta/marinara sauce of choice (but watch out for high sodium with the latter!).

i just love target. i can/have done some major damage in there, especially when it comes to apartment shopping. yesterday i was at the super target at northshore and had to practice some self-control and get out of there before i drained my bank account. i am moving to a new apartment next year that i get to completely decorate myself so i have started to shop around for decor! target's threshold line is one of my favorites since it is affordable and usually appeals to my style of decorating. the newest threshold collection is so cute and i am already coveting some pieces that i want for next year! the items below are from the threshold white and gold decor collection and the botanic blush collection!

Demijohn Vase

Butterfly Gold Foil Lampshade

Tufted Bench 

Tufted Ottoman 

Oblong Magnolia Decorative Pillow

i hope everyone is staying warm! i am keeping to my warm apartment and since it is the last day of my break, i felt it necessary to stay in my pajama's, watch netflix and read all day! 


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